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Jordan MESP Final Report

Jordan Monitoring and Evaluation Support Program Final Report (October 2019)

USAID & Management System International (Tetra Tech company)

As USAID Monitoring and Evaluation Support Program (MESP)'s local partner, Mindset actively contributed to USAID's MEL initiatives in Jordan. Our team played a pivotal role in 17 evaluations, encompassing 15 performance evaluations and 2 impact evaluations. Collaborating with MESP, Mindset engaged in significant data collection, analysis, and provided strategic recommendations across various sectors such as education, fiscal reform, water management, and gender equality. Mindset involvement proved to be instrumental in shaping evidence-based decision-making for sustainable development outcomes.

Environmental Sustainability
USAID General Population Survey in Jordan (Round 1)

Jordan General Population Survey - Round 1 (2018)

USAID & Management System International (Tetra Tech company)

This report presents the 2018 General Population Survey findings implemented by USAID/Jordan Monitoring and Evaluation Support Project (MESP). The nationally representative survey, implemented by Mindset, was designed to support USAID/Jordan learning and decision-making by providing an in-depth understanding of the context in which projects and activities are implemented. The survey provides critical data on key international economic and social development indicators. In particular, the report presents survey findings related to USAID’s Journey to Self-Reliance metrics, reflecting a country’s ability to plan, finance, and implement solutions to address its development challenges.

Economic Development
National Study on Violence Against Children in Jordan

National Study on Violence Against Children in Jordan (2019-2020)


This report summarizes the results of the Violence Against Children Study (VACS) in Jordan for 2019-2020, implemented by the National Council for Family Affairs and UNICEF Jordan, with the support of Mindset. It sheds light on the societal practices and trends relating to violence against children, including prevalence, forms, frequency and perpetrators of violence. The study reveals the severity of the problem in Jordan, with 75% of children aged between 8 and 17 stating that they have experienced at least one form of physical violence in their lifetime. Parents and siblings were found to be the most common perpetrators. In addition, nearly 60% indicated that they have been victims of psychological violence at least once in their lifetime.

Child & Youth Protection
GAGE Baseline Report

Adolescent Well-Being in Jordan: Exploring Gendered Capabilities, Contexts and Change Strategies - A Synthesis Report on GAGE Jordan Baseline Findings (October 2019)

Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) & Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

This report relies on baseline evidence gathered by Mindset between 2018 and 2019 for Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE). GAGE is implementing a unique longitudinal mixed-methods research and impact evaluation study, focusing on 'what works' to enable adolescent girls and boys to emerge from poverty and fast-track social change for young people, their families and communities. The report synthesizes findings about adolescent girls’ and boys’ capabilities across six key domains: (1) education and learning; (2) health, nutrition, and sexual and reproductive health (SRH); (3) bodily integrity and freedom from violence; (4) psychosocial well-being; (5) voice and agency; and (6) economic empowerment. It concludes with policy and programming implications viewed through a multidimensional capability lens.

Gender Equality & Social Inclusion
UNICEF Annual Report 2017 (Jordan)

UNICEF Annual Report 2017 (Jordan)


In 2017, amid the ongoing Syrian crisis and economic challenges in Jordan, UNICEF prioritized aiding vulnerable children, particularly in poor host communities. This report showcases the various efforts implemented by UNICEF to implement aid services, build resilience, and reduce inequality in Jordan. One of these initiatives includes the implementation of over 200 Makani centers offering child protection, psychosocial support, and education activities. Mindset supported the Makani Programme by conducting frequent monitoring of Syrian refugee families, to generate evidence on the dynamic socioeconomic status of this segment of the population in Jordan. The report also announces the 2018-2021 Strategic Plan which will emphasize multisectoral approaches, gender equality, and strategic partnerships to enhance child rights realization in Jordan.

Displacement & Migration
Final Performance Evaluation of the JLGF

Final Performance Evaluation of the Jordan Loan Guarantee Facility (JLGF) (September 2016)

USAID & Management System International (Tetra Tech company)

This report presents findings, conclusions, and recommendations from the final performance evaluation of the Jordan Loan Guarantee Facility (JLGF), a five-year cooperative agreement between USAID, the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), and Global Communities. USAID awarded Global Communities approximately US$9.3 million in 2011 to provide technical assistance to partner banks and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Jordan to increase their access to finance. JLGF’s approach has been to lower the risk of lending to Jordanian SMEs through the loan guarantee while also building the capacity of banks to properly review and approve qualified SME loan applications in line with international best practices. Mindset contributed to the study by managing a data collection exercise with SMEs owners, to assess the outcome of the small loans facility on their businesses.

Economic Development
My Needs, Our Future - Baseline Study Report Hajati

My Needs, Our Future - Baseline Study Report for Hajati Cash Transfer (March 2018)


UNICEF's Hajati program, initiated in the 2017/18 school year in Jordan, focuses on an equity-driven and integrated social protection approach, benefiting more than 50,000 children in Jordan. The 'Cash Plus' strategy, complemented by other various services, aims to reduce school dropout rates and address multi-sectorial vulnerabilities by delivering cash assistance to vulnerable families across Jordan. The baseline report sheds light on challenges and emphasizes the need for ongoing support. Mindset played a crucial role in data collection and analysis, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of community needs for an effective program implementation.

Livelihoods & Cash Assistance
Final Report Summative Impact Evaluation UNICEF Makani

Final Report: Summative Impact Evaluation of the UNICEF Jordan Makani Programme


The report documents the impact evaluation results of the UNICEF Makani (“My Space” in Arabic) Programme, an intervention supporting vulnerable children in Jordan. Makani combines educational support, community-based child protection services, early childhood development, adolescent and youth participation, as well as skills development. The study was conducted by Samuel Hall in 2021, supported by Mindset, who led fieldwork and data collection activities. The evaluation confirmed the high relevance of the program for its beneficiaries. The findings confirmed numerous positive effects on the individual and community levels, including increased school performance, emotional well-being, and social cohesion.

Child & Youth Protection
The Syrian Refugee Life Study - First Glance (February 2022)

The Syrian Refugee Life Study - First Glance (February 2022)

University of California - Berkeley

This research paper presents descriptive statistics from the first results of the Syrian Refugee Life Study, a longitudinal study launched by the University of California - Berkeley in 2020 that tracks a representative sample of 2,500 registered Syrian refugee households in Jordan. Mindset has been supporting this project by collecting quantitative data from participants living in camps and host communities across the country. The findings point to a lack of basic service access, housing quality, and educational attainment for the Syrian refugee population, in comparison to non-refugees. In addition to larger gender disparities in terms of income, employment, prevalence of child marriage, and gender attitudes compared to the non-refugee population. The document also shows that most Syrian refugees had not recovered economically from COVID-19 and it reveals that mental health problems were common for Syrian refugees in 2020, with depression indicated among over 61 percent of the population.

Displacement & Migration
RAMP Impact Evaluation Final Report (September 2019)

RAMP Impact Evaluation Final Report (September 2019)

USAID & Management System International (Tetra Tech company)

This report details the findings of the impact evaluation of the Early Grade Reading and Math Project (RAMP). Funded by USAID, RAMP was implemented from 2015 to 2019 with the following main goals: 1) improving teaching and learning by introducing new materials and curricula; 2) improving teacher and administrator instructional practices through pre-service and in-service training, mentoring and supervision; 3) community engagement activities; and 4) support for Jordan’s Ministry of Education efforts to institutionalize early grade reading and math policies, standards, and assessment. The evaluation measured the impact of the intervention on teacher practices and student learning, through data collection and class observations conducted by Mindset. The report outlines recommendations for the program's design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting.

UK aid’s approach to youth employment in the MENA

UK aid’s Approach to Youth Employment in the Middle East and North Africa (July 2021)

UK's Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI)

Mindset helped develop the "Youth Voice" component of this research project in the MENA region, aiming at reviewing the UK's Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI)'s activities in the field of youth employment. In Jordan, Mindset's assignment included conducting eight focus group discussions and eight individual case studies with young beneficiaries. While the UK's aid efforts in the MENA region address relevant economic and fragility challenges, the study reveals gaps, such as overlooking cultural barriers. Mindset's work aimed at shedding light on the impact of these gaps, emphasizing the importance of clearer program outcomes, gender and social inclusion analysis, and improved monitoring and evaluation for more effective youth employment initiatives.

Economic Development

Economic Growth and Competitiveness Assessment (2018)

USAID & Management System International (Tetra Tech company)

This report documents the findings of the broad-spectrum competitiveness assessment requested by the USAID/Jordan Economic and Development team. The Jordan Private Sector Survey conducted by Mindset for USAID MESP informed the results showcased in this assessment report. The document presents Jordan's economic growth and competitiveness trajectories between 2017-2018, as well as the related challenges and opportunities; it details the interventions and approaches that have shown a positive impact on growth in the country. The situational analysis sheds light on the manifold challenges the Jordanian economy is facing including the influx of refugees, the disparity of female and male employment, and the weaknesses of the private sector.

Economic Development
Motivation and Retention of Health Workers USAID

Motivation and Retention of Health Workers in MOH Facilities in Four Governorates in Jordan - Findings from a Mixed Methods Study (December 2016)

USAID & Chemonics (Tetra Tech company)

This report provides the results of a research project conducted with the support of Mindset, on the motivation and retention of doctors, nurses, and midwives working in the Ministry of Health (MOH)'s facilities in four Jordanian governorates. This study was initiated by USAID's Human Resources for Health in 2030 (HRH2030) activity, which supports the Jordanian MOH in developing specific human resources policies to improve retention, job satisfaction, and motivation of its health workers. The report's findings challenged the general perceptions held by the MOH before the study. Indeed, the research project generated evidence showing the MOH's workforce in a positive light, by revealing relatively high retention and low turnover rates. Additionally, the study found that most health workers’ motivation is either "neutral" or "slightly positive".

Global Health

Multi-sectoral Rapid Needs Assessment: COVID-19 - Jordan (May 2020)


This report is the output of a rapid needs assessment exercise in the context of COVID-19 in Jordan, resulting from a joint effort of the Country Offices of UNHCR, UNICEF and WFP in 2020. Mindset informed this report by gathering sensitive data on violence against children through a household survey. The document presents findings on the needs of vulnerable segments of the population impacted by the pandemic in Jordan, and the measures taken by institutions to mitigate them. The assessment covers relevant sectors including health, food security, livelihoods, education, water, sanitation and hygiene and protection. The study documents the severe impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, including reduced access to food, the loss of access to livelihoods, and increased threats to children’s well-being through distress and exposure to violence. The survey also points to critical gaps in awareness concerning access to health services and essential medicines.

Global Health
"On Women & Corruption" (December 2021)

"On Women & Corruption" (December 2021) - Article on Social Norms and Corruption Study in Jordan

UK's Department for International Development (DFID) & Palladium

The article outlines the findings of a study addressing the knowledge gap related to the interplay of gender dynamics and corruption practices in Jordan. The study was conducted on behalf of the UK government by Palladium in collaboration with Mindset in 2020. Against the backdrop of the challenges faced by the country, with Jordanian citizens increasingly calling for political and economic reforms, this under-researched topic has gained considerable relevance. The research was motivated by the hypothesis that understanding social norms is essential to implement effective anti-corruption measures. Findings suggest that norm-shifting interventions targeting "wasta" – the most prevalent form of corruption in Jordan, described as a certain form of favoritism – should focus on men more than women. Indeed, the study found that women have less influence in the public sphere, so they are less likely to participate in corruption practices.

Photo of the Independent Evaluation report

Independent Evaluation of the United Nations–Government Joint Programme to Accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria 2020–2022


This report documents the results of the independent evaluation of the UN-Government Joint Programme to Accelerate SDGs in Nigeria between 2020-2022. The Joint Programme for Institutionalizing Social Protection for Accelerated SDG Implementation was implemented from 2020 to 2022 by four UN organizations. Together, they aimed at enhancing the social protection of citizens through the implementation of various interventions that integrated institutional strengthening strategies with policy- and capacity-strengthening, as well as more direct activities to finance social protection. The evaluation, coordinated by UNICEF and implemented through a partnership of Samuel Hall and Mindset, assessed relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, impact, and sustainability of the program.

Gender Equality & Social Inclusion
Photo of the Stress in Ukrainian Children report

Stress in Ukrainian Children: An Exploratory Research

Mindset Initiative

Mindset, as a pioneering research company, has undertaken a crucial initiative to evaluate the stress levels in children under 12 during times of conflict. Our study, conducted in March and April 2023, involved 694 participants, employing a mixed-method approach for a holistic understanding. The research delves into the prevalence of stress, changes since the conflict's onset, and its impact on various aspects of children's lives. Notably, this comprehensive study is a Mindset initiative, reflecting our commitment to shedding light on critical issues and advocating for effective interventions to support children's mental health in challenging circumstances.

Child & Youth Protection
Image of the UNICEF Innocenti report

The Difference a Dollar a Day Makes - A Study of UNICEF Jordan’s Hajati Programme

UNICEF Innocenti

Mindset, a pivotal contributor, played a key role in the comprehensive study assessing UNICEF Jordan's Hajati cash transfer program. Collaborating with experts, Mindset conducted extensive data collection and analysis. The study reveals positive impacts on vulnerable children's education, well-being, and nutrition, emphasizing the effectiveness of Hajati's 'top-up' income support. The findings inform UNICEF's program decisions and broader discussions on social protection programming in Jordan. Lessons learned, including the importance of strategic planning amid funding volatility, offer valuable insights for future humanitarian cash transfer initiatives.

Child & Youth Protection
Photo of the SHOPS Project Evaluation report

Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Project Evaluation

USAID & Management System International (Tetra Tech company)

Mindset, as a local subcontractor to USAID MESP, played a vital role in the evaluation of USAID's SHOPS project in Jordan, addressing population growth challenges. SHOPS, implemented from 2010 to 2015, aimed to enhance family planning services' access and quality by collaborating with the private and NGO sectors. The evaluation, conducted by Mindset, employed surveys and various data sources to assess the project's effectiveness, sustainability, and future recommendations. SHOPS successfully engaged with grantee partners and healthcare providers, contributing to USAID's decision-making for future program design.

Global Health
Photo of the knowledge note

Financial Inclusion of Refugees in Jordan - Knowledge Note

GIZ & Agulhas Applied Knowledge

Mindset, in collaboration with its partner Agulhas Applied Knowledge, played a pivotal role in a comprehensive analysis of financial inclusion for refugees and asylum seekers in Jordan, commissioned by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Through phone surveys, interviews with merchants, and focus group discussions with Syrian refugees, Mindset gathered crucial data. The report chronicles Jordan's significant progress in establishing financial infrastructure, emphasizing mobile wallets' role. Despite challenges, the nation emerged as a regional leader in refugee financial inclusion, attributing success to collaborative efforts between the Central Bank, humanitarian agencies, and the private sector. The report, supported by GIZ, CBJ, and other stakeholders, reflects on the past seven years, addressing barriers, challenges, and future considerations.

Economic Development
Image of the Youth Transition report

Youth Transitions to Adulthood in Jordan: High Aspirations, Challenging Realities

UNICEF & Saint Catherine University

Mindset played a crucial role in collecting data for a comprehensive study on youth transitions to adulthood in Jordan, conducted in collaboration with UNICEF. The study explores education, employment, entrepreneurship, gender norms, and civic engagement among Jordanian and Syrian youth aged 16-30. Key findings highlight challenges in education, employment, and gender equality, offering evidence-based recommendations for policy interventions. Mindset's contribution to this research underscores its commitment to informing impactful youth-focused initiatives.

Child & Youth Protection
Photo of the Socio-Economic Assessment report

Socio-Economic Assessment of Children and Youth in the time of COVID-19 – Jordan


In the Socio-Economic Assessment report produced for UNICEF Jordan, Mindset gathered key insights revealing the impact of socio-economic factors on vulnerable populations. The report sheds light on challenges faced by communities, offering a comprehensive analysis that informs targeted interventions for sustainable development. For further details, refer to the complete report here.

Child & Youth Protection
Photo of the 2022 VAF Report (Camps)

2022 VAF Population Report for Refugees in Camps


The Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF) is a vital tool for humanitarian and development partners in Jordan, facilitating coherent vulnerability identification and program delivery across sectors. It informs strategic planning for key actors and contributes evidence-based inputs to the Jordan Response Plan, UN Common Country Analysis, and UN Sustainable Development Framework. In the fifth bi-annual VAF population study in 2022, 6,427 refugee households were sampled to explore vulnerabilities across Jordan. Economic conditions worsened for many Syrians since 2018, with high debt levels. Vulnerabilities compound, emphasizing the need for a coordinated multisectoral approach. In collaboration with Samuel Hall, Mindset played a crucial role in implementing the VAF, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of vulnerabilities in refugee camps.

Displacement & Migration
Image of the UNICEF Hajati report

My Needs, Our Future Hajati Cash Transfer Post Distribution Monitoring Report


Mindset, as a UNICEF contractor, conducted data collection and analysis in April and May 2018 for the Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) survey on the Hajati Cash Plus program. The evaluation focused on the program's impact on preventing school dropouts and reducing poverty among vulnerable children in Jordan. The third-party monitoring, utilizing baseline and PDM questionnaires, ensured program progress tracking and provided valuable insights into the well-being of beneficiaries. The data indicated positive outcomes, including increased optimism among eligible households and improved overall well-being for children, demonstrating the beneficial effects of the Hajati program.

Child & Youth Protection
Photo of the PDM report

Supporting Vulnerable Children’s School Participation and Wellbeing: UNICEF’s Hajati Cash Transfer Programme - Post-Distribution Monitoring Report for the 2019/20 School Year


This report on UNICEF's Hajati cash transfer program underscores the program's objective to support vulnerable children in Jordan, emphasizing education and well-being. Despite challenges like funding constraints and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the program adapted to effectively aid children and families. Crucially, Mindset played a pivotal role in data collection and report drafting, ensuring the success and continuous improvement of UNICEF's Hajati program. The report details the program's scaling, adjustments, and objectives, relying on a quantitative survey conducted by Mindset for key findings.

Child & Youth Protection
Photo of the PDM report

Keeping Children Warm: UNICEF’s 2019-20 Winterization Assistance - Post-Distribution Monitoring Report


The UNICEF Jordan 2019-20 Winterization Assistance report, produced by Mindset, evaluates the impact of winter support on vulnerable families. With 33,372 individuals receiving cash assistance and 12,200 winter kits distributed, the findings show significant improvements in winter preparedness, reaching 39% and 59% for cash and in-kind recipients, respectively. Timely distribution and clear communication were key strengths, with 97% of cash recipients utilizing the support. Overall, 89% of beneficiaries expressed satisfaction. Recommendations include prioritizing cash assistance, minimizing withdrawal wait times, and enhancing feedback channels.

Livelihoods & Cash Assistance
Photo the PDM Report for Winter Cash Assistance Programme

Cash Assistance to Refugees for Winter Preparedness in Jordan 2021 – 2022: UNHCR Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) Report (Jordan)

UNHCR & Samuel Hall

In this 2021-2022 UNHCR Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) report on cash assistance for winter preparedness in Jordan, Mindset helped gather key findings highlighting the effective utilization of funds to support refugees. The report underscores the positive impact of cash assistance in enhancing winter resilience among refugees in Jordan.

Livelihoods & Cash Assistance
Photo of the PDM Report

UNHCR COVID-19 Emergency Assistance in Jordan: 2021 Post-Distribution Monitoring Report (May 2022)

UNHCR & Samuel Hall

The UNHCR COVID-19 Emergency Assistance in Jordan 2021 Post-Distribution Monitoring Report reveals the impact of UNHCR's efforts during the pandemic. Mindset played a pivotal role in collecting data from the program's beneficiaries. The report emphasizes the success of UNHCR's assistance programs, showcasing the effective distribution of aid and its positive impact on vulnerable communities. To delve deeper into the details and understand the critical role of Mindset, explore the full report.

Livelihoods & Cash Assistance
Image of the UNICEF PDM Winter Report

Winterization Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) Report 2021/22


In collaboration with UNICEF Jordan, Mindset played a pivotal role in developing and conducting a comprehensive Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) survey for the 2021/22 winterization assistance program. The initiative aimed to enhance the preparedness of vulnerable families by providing one-time cash assistance ranging from 145 to 400 Jordanian Dinar. The survey, encompassing 509 beneficiaries, revealed that the assistance significantly improved readiness for winter, with 50.5% reporting significant improvement and 39.3% reporting moderate improvement. The report concludes with valuable recommendations for future winterization efforts.

Livelihoods & Cash Assistance
Image of the Youth Finance Program Report

USAID/FINCA Youth Finance Program Final Report


In collaboration with USAID, Mindset conducted a comprehensive assessment of the Youth Finance (YF) Program implemented by FINCA between 2012 and 2015. Focusing on socio-economic development, the report delves into key indicators and challenges faced by youth in Jordan. Our findings provided valuable insights The report outlines insights into youth entrepreneurship and contributed to the broader dialogue on addressing unemployment in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Image of the CEPPS Program Evaluation Report

Consortium for Elections and Political Processes Strengthening (CEPPS) Program Evaluation Report (August 2018)

USAID & Management System International (Tetra Tech company)

Mindset played a vital role in the external performance evaluation of the Consortium for Elections and Political Processes Strengthening (CEPPS) program, commissioned by USAID/Jordan. Conducted between March and July 2018, the evaluation assessed CEPPS' effectiveness in promoting democratic processes in Jordan. Key findings highlighted successes and challenges, with a focus on objectives such as engaging civil society, promoting youth participation, and strengthening political alliances. The report underscores Mindset's contribution to this essential evaluation, providing valuable insights for future programming. For in-depth details, refer to the full report here.

Image of the PAP Evaluation report

Final Performance Evaluation of the Public Action for Water, Energy and Environment Project (PAP) (December 2015)

USAID & Management System International (Tetra Tech company)

Mindset participated in the final evaluation of the USAID-funded Public Action for Water, Energy, and Environment Project (PAP). Spanning from 2009 to 2014, the $20.5 million project aimed to enhance water and energy efficiency, promote proper solid waste management, and build Jordanian institutions' social marketing capacity. The evaluation reveals PAP's success in capacity building and behavior change across diverse stakeholders. While challenges in measuring outcomes exist, the report provides valuable insights and practices for future programs in social marketing and resource management. Access the full report here.

Environmental Sustainability
Image of the National Youth Assessment report

Jordan National Youth Assessment (February 2015)

USAID & Management System International (Tetra Tech company)

Mindset played a pivotal role in this comprehensive youth assessment in Jordan, conducted at the request of USAID/Jordan. The assessment delved into challenges hindering the transition to adulthood for Jordanian and Syrian youth. By engaging over 800 participants, including youth assessors, the study explored themes such as education, workforce transition, and voice and participation. The findings highlight the pervasive lack of alternatives and a disempowering environment. For detailed insights, refer to the full report here.

Economic Development
Image of the Y4F Project Evaluation report

Final Performance Evaluation of the USAID/Jordan Youth for the Future (Y4F) Project (November 2014)

USAID & Management System International (Tetra Tech company)

Mindset participated in the evaluation of the second phase of the USAID-funded Youth for the Future (Y4F) project in Jordan, a $33 million initiative implemented by the International Youth Foundation from March 2009 to December 2014. Focused on enhancing the lives of vulnerable youth in Jordan, the project aimed to improve models for working with youth, build capacity of Community Based Organizations, and enhance provision of youth-friendly services. This report assesses outcomes, organizational capacity building, gender issues, and offers strategic recommendations based on lessons learned.

Child & Youth Protection
Image of the Yemen Survey Report Round 1

Monitoring Food Insecurity and Employment in Yemen: Results from the Yemen Mobile Phone Survey Monitoring - Round I (August 2023)

The World Bank

Mindset supported the production of this report by collecting valuable data from Yemeni households' on their experience with livelihoods and food security. The study, conducted in August and September 2022, reveals challenges exacerbated by multiple crises and the aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The findings underscore precarious living conditions, especially in rural areas, among the displaced, and in Houthi-controlled regions. Employment struggles, particularly in agriculture and construction, contribute to worsening conditions. The report emphasizes the urgent need for targeted assistance and highlights disparities in food consumption and income sources based on geographical and control factors.

Livelihoods & Cash Assistance
Image of the Impact Bond Evaluation Framework report

Jordan Refugee Livelihoods Development Impact Bond Evaluation Framework (February 2022)

IKEA Foundation & Mathematica

The Refugee Livelihoods Development Impact Bond addresses economic challenges for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians, through a training program as well as technical and financial support to microenterprises. Since 2022, Mindset has been playing a central role in gathering essential data for the evaluation of the program, with a key focus on women, youth, and refugees.

Economic Development
Image of the Phase 2 Final Evaluation Report

Women and Girls Lead Global: Phase 2 Final Evaluation Report (February 2018)

The Aspen Institute

Mindset contributed to the evaluation of the second phase of the Women and Girls Lead Global (WGLG) campaign in Jordan, launched by the Independent Television Service (ITVS) in 2012. This project aimed to empower women and girls through documentary film screenings focusing on women and girls acting as agents of change, to pave the way for community driven solutions to gender inequities. The campaign proved particularly impactful in Jordan, leading to significant improvements in areas such as attitudes toward gender roles, support for women leaders, and awareness of gender-based violence.

Gender Equality & Social Inclusion
Image of the 2022 PDM Report

Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance: Post Distribution Monitoring Report (December 2022)


This Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) report on UNHCR's 2022 cash assistance program in Ukraine reveals positive impacts. It states that between June and October 2022, 70% of beneficiaries met half or more of their basic needs thanks to UNHCR's aid. The cash assistance program notably reduced financial burdens and stress, and improved living conditions among the beneficiaries. Between November 2022 and January 2023, Mindset collected valuable information from the beneficiaries through phone surveys to evaluate the ongoing relevance, efficiency, and scope of the distributed cash assistance, and to gather feedback from the beneficiaries across all of Ukraine.

Livelihoods & Cash Assistance
Image of the Mid-term Evaluation report

Takamol Mid-Term Performance Evaluation (May 2017)

USAID & Management System International (Tetra Tech company)

Mindset participated in the production of this mid-term evaluation report for the USAID-funded Takamol Activity in Jordan. The goal of this program was to support gender equality and enhance female empowerment. The report evaluates the effectiveness of Takamol’s interventions, primarily focused on social dialogue, capacity building of civil society and government entities and policy advocacy and research support. Recommendations include continuing social media interventions, focusing on internal government mechanisms, and tailoring training.

Gender Equality & Social Inclusion
Results from a survey of Jordanians and Syrians in MSSRP

Livelihoods, perceptions, and cohesion: Results from a survey of Jordanians and Syrians in MSSRP project areas

The World Bank

The World Bank-assisted Jordan Municipal Services and Social Resilience Project (MSSRP) was designed to support municipalities which host many Syrians refugees. Specifically, the project aims to (1) support municipalities hosting large number of Syrian refugees to achieve sustainable, transparent, and accountable service delivery, (2) support additional municipalities impacted by the refugee crisis, and (3) provide employment opportunities for Syrians and Jordanians and foster collaboration and social cohesion between host and refugee communities. This report presents findings from a survey that Mindset conducted in 21 focal MSSRP municipalities. The objectives of this survey are to ( collect representative data for key population groups living in MSSRP catchment areas; (2) measure results framework outcome indicators; and (3) provide a “snapshot” of the lives of Jordanian and Syrian residents in these areas.

Midterm Evaluation of LHSS_Photo

Midterm Evaluation of the Local Health Systems Sustainability (LHSS) Project


The Midterm Evaluation of the Local Health Systems Sustainability Project (LHSS) project aimed to assess progress and identify remaining high-priority programmatic areas for the final year of LHSS. LHSS is a five-year (2019–2024) USAID-funded global activity implemented by Abt Associates with the Ministry of Health through a Partner Government Services (PGS) award. LHSS supports USAID health systems' strengthening priorities to increase universal health coverage. LHSS supports efforts to reduce financial barriers to health care, increase equitable access to health services, and improve quality of services. Mindset led the qualitative data collection process, assessing the implementation and identifying areas for improvement. This included conducting 43 key-informant interviews (KIIs) and eight small-group interviews (GIs) with stakeholders such as MOH staff, healthcare professionals, and program beneficiaries. Mindset also contributed to producing a final evaluation report that included key findings and recommendations to support the future development of USAID’s Health Systems Strengthening Program in Jordan.

United Against Tobacco and COVID Phase I_Photo

United Against Tobacco and COVID - Jordan: Post-Campaign Evaluation


The United Against Tobacco and COVID-Jordan, funded by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), was designed and implemented by the Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS), in collaboration with the Global Health Development |Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network (GHD| EMPHNET) and Vital Strategies, and in partnership with the Jordanian Ministry of Health (MOH), World Health Organization (WHO)-Jordan Country Office, and Greater Amman Municipality (GAM). This post-campaign evaluation assessed the campaign on its recall and media reach, the reception of and resonance with the message by the target audience, and the campaign's effect on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors around smoking. Mindset collected quantitative data on a sample of 1013 male and female current, former, and non-smokers between 18 and 55 years of age from six of Jordan’s twelve governorates.

2024 VAF Socio-Economic Survey on Refugees in Camps_Photo

2024 VAF Socio-Economic Survey on Refugees in Camps


The Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF) is a tool developed by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, in Jordan to track changes in refugees’ living situation over time. In 2022, the VAF was applied to Jordan's largest Syrian refugee camps, Azraq and Zaatari, for the first time. The 2024 assessment builds on that baseline to enable greater understanding of the camps’ demographics and to facilitate comparisons between camps and over time. UNHCR and Mindset jointly conducted four-day face-to-face training sessions for the enumeration team. The training sessions included comprehensive background information on the survey, along with general guidelines on research ethics, behavior protocols, and protection measures.

Human Security UNDP Report_Photo

Integrating Human Security Concepts into Strategic Planning for More Responsive Policies to Meet the Multidimensional Needs of All People


In partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Mindset initiated a series of focus group discussions across three Jordanian governorates in the north, center and south—Amman, Irbid, and Aqaba—to explore community perceptions and experiences concerning key dimensions of Human Security. This concept focuses on protecting people's lives, livelihoods, and dignity against various threats. the five core principles of Human Security underscore the need for a people-centered, multi-sectoral, comprehensive, context-specific, and prevention-oriented response that strengthens the protection and empowerment of all individuals and communities. This report presents an analysis of the focus group discussions, which centered on three core dimensions of human security: political security, personal security, and community security.

USAID Business Growth Activity (BGA)_Photo

USAID Business Growth Activity (BGA) Fee Indicators FY23 Data Verification Report

USAID Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (MELA) & The Kaizen Company

This report outlines the Data Verification and Data Quality Assessment of the Business Growth Activity (BGA) indicators reported to USAID. The primary goal of the assignment was to verify the accuracy and validity of fee indicator values and assess the data management system for BGA’s indicators. The process followed a structured approach, starting with defining and receiving Means of Verification, followed by tracing each datum back to its source, aggregating and analyzing the verification findings, and concluding with the preparation of the data verification report. The report provided USAID/Jordan with valuable insights into the competitiveness of Jordanian start-ups and SMEs, particularly in terms of their investments, sales, and exports. Mindset was responsible for producing the content of this report on behalf of the USAID Monitoring, Learning, and Evaluation Activity (MELA).

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