
Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) Longitudinal Research

The "Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE)" project, is a nine-year (2015-2024) longitudinal research that aims to generate evidence on ‘what works’ to help adolescent girls and boys to escape from poverty and fast-track social change for young people, their families and communities. In Jordan, GAGE is undertaking mixed-methods longitudinal research on the most vulnerable adolescents, including refugees, vulnerable Jordanians, adolescents with disabilities, those out of school, as well as married girls and adolescent mothers. 

Supporting the different research projects, Mindset has successfully maintained a large panel with minimal attrition over the past five years, consisting of 4,000 families in a variety of settings, including urban and rural areas, informal tented settlements, and DOM and camp communities. Adopting a capability lens, research has focused on the following domains: (1) education and learning; (2) health, nutrition, and sexual and reproductive health; (3) bodily integrity and freedom from violence; (4) psychosocial well-being; (5) voice and agency; and (6) economic empowerment. In addition, Mindset collected data to better understand perspectives on child marriage and its drivers, while carefully treating the sensitivity involved with with the subject. Mindset also conducted interviews with members of the Dom population, a marginalized ethnic minority who are often omitted from research in Jordan because they are difficult to reach and do not always speak Arabic. Moreover, Mindset contributed to a scientific article, published in the European Journal of Development Research, which describes the particular mixed-method approach of GAGE, including ethical considerations when researching socially marginalized youth.