
Registration Support for the Takaful Program

In 2019 the Government of Jordan (GoJ), through the National Aid Fund (NAF), launched the Takaful Program - the biggest national program for social protection in the history of Jordan - as part of the new National Social Protection Strategy (2019-2025). Initially, Takaful was a three-year project (2019-2021) that was later supplemented by the Unified Cash Assistance Program (2020-2023). The objective of the program was to enhance social protection and care directed at the underprivileged citizens of Jordan. It provides direct financial support to selected households across the kingdom, and the program's scope also encompasses health insurance, energy-saving projects, public transportation, and school food programs directed at children. The program is implemented with technical and logistical support from NAF's support partners: the World Bank, the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Higher Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR), and the European Union (EU)

Takaful was implemented in three phases: registration, home visit validations, and informational sessions. The first phase aimed at getting potential beneficiaries to apply to the program in order to receive cash assistance from NAF. The registration process occurred in two different ways: online and through assisted in-person applications. For the latter, UNICEF Jordan requested the support of a local partner.

Mindset was contracted by UNICEF to support the registration process of the Takaful/Unified Cash Assistance Program throughout Jordan between 2019 and 2021. We were in charge of recruiting, training, and managing a large team of enumerators, who then collaborated with NAF staff to assist potential beneficiaries in filling out an application to receive aid from the Takaful Program. Our field team was stationed in more than a hundred NAF branches and centers of the Ministry of Social Development (MoSD) across the country. In total, we conducted four rounds of registration throughout the program, each round lasting approximately one month. To ensure the efficiency and quality of the field team's support, our data processing unit monitored the enumerators through daily feedback and some enumerators were retrained. Thanks to Mindset's support more than 40,000 applications were submitted to NAF.

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